Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The ease of recruiting ethics-free journalist wannabes

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Alexa, you intrepid and sensitive reporter, you-- 

Is this a made up story intended solely to stoke the juices of the humiliate transgender youth movement or did you actually deploy some sanctimonious notion of journalistic ethics to justify writing a story that 
  • identified by name a transgender student from Sonoma Academy, a high school apparently in Santa Rosa, CA, and 
  • published the student’s photo right up there in the #2 spot on the winner’s stand 
  • while preserving the anonymity of a mom who found the injustice of a competitor not winning “heartbreaking.” 
Hard to weigh which is more reprehensible - making the story up to stoke your agenda, having huge swaths of unwitting believers spread word that it really happened or claiming to be a journalist only doing your job and being manipulated to let the chips someone’s feeding you fall where they may. 

Have you no shame?

I’ll admit the story got me curious enough to look up your credentials at or near The Daily Caller where the story appeared today. Yes, Alexa Schwerha, you seem to exist on LinkedIn and on Twitter connected to The Daily Caller. 

That heartbroken mom probably figured out that her daughter apparently lost to more than one other athlete. No matter. The humiliate transgender youth movement, the Daily Caller and the vicious politicians who milk humanity dry with this bile must out, embarrass and demean high school kids along the way. Fortunate for them, the’ve found young journalist wannabes to run interference. You did it, Alexa, you scored a byline. Frame it. 


Wikipedia:  The Daily Caller is a right-wing news and opinion website based in Washington, D.C.[7] It was founded by former Fox News host Tucker Carlson and political pundit Neil Patel in 2010. Launched as a "conservative answer to The Huffington Post", The Daily Caller quadrupled its audience and became profitable by 2012, surpassing several rival websites by 2013. In 2020, the site was described by The New York Times as having been "a pioneer in online conservative journalism".[8] The Daily Caller is a member of the White House press pool.[9]